Risk Management University (RMU) is our risk management knowledge hub for all employed by or doing business with Los Angeles County (County). Various educational resources and reference material is available to expand risk management awareness for County Departments, employees, and partner organizations. Proceed to access webinars, guidance documents, safety bulletins, policies, model programs, correspondence, and numerous other reference materials developed to empower our collective mission of reducing liabilities and losses in Los Angeles County.
For all interactive training modules, we offer learning courses through the RMU presence on the TalentWorks:
Interactive Self-Assessment Software
The Chief-Executive Office – Risk Management Branch and the Department of Human Resources have partnered with Safety National to add an ergonomic training and self-assessment resource. This online office ergonomics solution provides users with a systematic self-assessment, real-time recommendations, and a means to communicate additional support needs. This self-assessment may be used for both office and home workspaces.
RMU Vimeo+ Training Videos
For all video content, such as archived webinars and free viewing training videos, we are curating albums and streaming through our RMU Vimeo+ account:
Safety Source Video Training Library
For a vast catalog of training videos to supplement your department's safety programs, we offer Safety Sources "Video on Demand" library through our partners at Safety National. These videos are available to all Los Angeles County employees.
Please contact your department's Risk Management Unit/Safety Office to obtain our authorized log-in credentials.
RMU's SharePoint Site
All other resource material is offered through RMU’s SharePoint site.
*You must first request access to the RMU community by emailing rmu@ceo.lacounty.gov. You may then Login with your ID as your full email address and your Internet access Password.