Risk Transfer is responsible for the purchasing of insurance Countywide, conducting insurance compliance reviews, and providing indemnification and insurance expertise to all County of Los Angeles (County) Departments.
The County strives to obtain commercial insurance for multiple risks that could negatively affect the County. Examples of the types of commercial insurance procured are: Automobile, Aviation, Cyber, Crime, Earthquake, etc. The County is constantly analyzing the risks and benefits by which obtaining insurance provides additional financial stability to the County and its constituents. The purchasing of insurance allows the County better protection when conducting day-to-day activities, as well as allowing the County to better serve its constituents by taking more proactive roles in public safety and health initiates that may be of a higher risk but of greater public value.

Self-Insurance Programs
Self-insurance is the risk-financing method used by the County of Los Angeles to pay most of its vehicle liability and physical damage, general liability, and professional liability costs. Property losses and other uninsured costs not covered under commercial insurance programs are also paid in this manner.
Certificates of Self-Insurance
The County produces up to 100 Certificates of Self-Insurance per month to various public and private entities that require them in order to conduct business on their property or for the public’s benefit. Many of these Certificates of Self-Insurance are routine but required before business can begin. Therefore, the Risk Transfer Unit evaluated the internal processing of Countywide Certificates of Self-Insurance and automated the system. Currently, departments have access to the automated system (iCONECT-XERA) on a limited basis and can access, draft, and print their own Certificates of Self-Insurance within the requirements established by the County Risk Manager. This allows Certificates to be expedited as needed and create a more efficient way of conducting business, as tracking of the Certificates is also automated.
Departments have designated up to three staff to be responsible for accessing the iCONECT-XERA system and producing the Certificates of Self-Insurance that meet their respective needs. The majority of Departments are using the system; however, Risk Management continues to issue Certificates of Self-Insurance to Departments not yet registered to use the system.
To find who your Department Liaison is or to register to the iCONECT-XERA system, please contact us at:
Your Department Self-Insurance Liaison
Contractual Risk Management
The County enters into service agreements with contractors, vendors, and consultants to provide a wide variety of services for the benefit of departments and the public. Use of these service providers may also expose the County to liability claims and lawsuits; and therefore, policy established by the Board of Supervisors requires contractors to indemnify the County for their activities and maintain sufficient insurance coverage to protect themselves and the County against such risk. CEO Risk Management, with the assistance of County Counsel, has developed indemnification and insurance terms and conditions designed for use in all County service agreements. Risk Management can also help Departments develop statements of indemnification and hold harmless provisions in concert with contract/agreement terms and evidence of insurance, as needed.
CEO Risk Management also reviews Countywide contracts and agreements and provides training on contractual risk management to department contract managers, analysts, and monitors.

Risk Management serves as the County's internal insurance broker and administrator for its commercial insurance policies
These Programs Benefit:
- County departments
- Volunteers (Download Volunteer Worker Program)
- Event sponsors who rent County facilities (Download Special Events Liability Insurance Program SELIP)